Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Reason to be Homesick

Of the few times I get a chance to call my father while I'm at school, yesterday on a rainy Tuesday afternoon was one of those times. I love the chances I get to talk with my Dad, full of wisdom you can't go wrong with asking him for advice or have a laugh with. Many friends on campus know how close I am with my family, and friends at home even more. The past three months not being home have been very hard but a great learning experience in trying to spread my wings without their support constantly there. Well in this afternoon conversation with my Dad I realized why home in general is a wonderful thing to miss; the appreciation of life with family has become stronger than ever.

So why do I miss home so much? In this conversation my Dad had brought up a fight my brothers had the other day. He talked about how my mother had decided to put them on punishment. She set the two hot headed boys down with my dog, Teddy, infront of the game Trouble and told them to finish the game - all three of them. Turns out Teddy won, with my brothers ending upset again and complaining to my mother. As my mother tried to calm them down Teddy broke in between Joe and Mom and barked. This bark wasn't just a bark to be heard it was a bark to let it be known that he is just as able to play and win as the boys. Just because he has four paws and can't roll the dice does not mean he should be subjected to being excluded from brotherly fun.

It's funny the way things that make you feel homesick can be the lightest of stories. I'm so happy to be going home to my family, normal life will be back and I know I will appreciate it so much more once I get there.

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