Friday, February 3, 2012

Unraveling is Inevitable

    Regardless if it is a very general statement as a dreamer I like taking long walks. To spruce it up I do have other interests than walking along the beach. Recently I have been walking with no destination, just thinking. I think this is one of those times where restlessness takes over your body and leads into questioning if happiness of what it was defined  is comparable to what I define it as now and presents a different task in achieving it. So many miles in my mind or by foot in search for what? This may have been what my blog has been searching for the past few months. What am I doing with my life to make it better than the day I had yesterday?
    A couple days ago in my economics class I found myself doodling a tree with vivid leaves which were made of swirls and cosmic thoughts. The tree rooted itself deeply enough to continue off page. The picture, for you artsy people, is a resemblance of the way we all dream. The outside of us seems beautiful and pulled together but when we look underneath our roots continue searching within us to find the best way to survive.
Now, I did not realize this exact importance of the painting until today when I looked back at my "notes" during class. Going back to my recent love of walks by myself, maybe that means that these roots searching and spreading out above the grass trying to answer the simple question, what am I doing with my life?
These roots can also represent the way we expose ourselves in revelation to the world around us. Do our roots only show up to people that are close to us or to people from somewhat of a distance as well? The answer to that question is irrelevant in this post. What is relevant is that such roots have been spread out for a while and do not pose the picture of myself in the right order. Many people complain that people do not see what they wish the world saw them as, and honestly, we have no control over that matter of nature.
    When you look at nature more closely the roots don't have any sort of control over whether or not they are unraveled to the people around them. This is such life where we cannot anticipate who were are going to touch in our lives, connections to people and things continue even when we think we're not participating. This is because truths of others and ideas are slowly revealed to us. No answer has one dynamic which calls patience from the tree to let roots pop out of the ground where they may and let what is transparent and not transparent work itself all out for the better by the end of our time on this earth.So at this time let go of what is tightening those roots, move around rocks and let yourself bloom in each season of challenge. Our roots will go up and down but as long as we grow in some way we can know we are living it right; unraveling is inevitable.

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